Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Changing electricity and gas supplier?

Hi, I currently have my electricity with scottish power and no gas. Next week I am getting gas central heating fitted and going with british gas and they have installed my gas meter. I have phoned british gas up and they are sending the contract out in the post for me to sign.

My question is will british gas start my gas supply this week and how long will it take them to change my supply from scottish power?Changing electricity and gas supplier?
So it's different gas, but coming through the same pipes?Changing electricity and gas supplier?
British Gas will supply you with gas as soon as the meter is fitted and the gas supply is on. I takes approximately 4-6 weeks from making your contract to change your electrcity supply to them (Just make sure you don't have any money outstanding to ScottishPower as they may object to your transfer until it is paid in full). However, I would not take the offer from British Gas to supply you with Gas and Electricity until you have fully reviewed their competitors prices and current offers. I would definately go for a package that will freeze/cap your prices for a number of years to ensure you will not suffer with any further price increases. You may pay a slightly higher rate, but is definately worth it. You could try for starters. They will compare all suppliers prices and give you the best offer around. Good Luck. Just a small word of warning, British Gas, although are a well known company, have always been on Watchdog or in the papers for their poor customer service, and other aspects of the business.They were voted the worst for customer service and billing complaints last year.

(PS. I work for ScottishPower and know my stuff)

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