The %26quot;federal%26quot; central banking system led by Ben Bernanke controls the money supply and virtually every other aspect of our economy. Isn't that too much power controlled by two few individuals? Constitutionally, the federal reserve should not have the broad power it currently possesses. Should we look past blaming politicians(esp George W. Bush) for everything and see that the real culprits are these bankers? Should we also wake up and see that 0bama is incapable of making change to this system of power and is otherwise an incompetent puppet put in his position to quiet the people down?How can the %26quot;Federal%26quot; Reserve be kept in check, or does it already have too much power?
Good lord, finally somebody who's starting to get it.
I rarely agree with Ron Paul about anything, but he is dead on when he castigates the Federal Reserve System. Thanks to this man, attention is starting to be paid to the Fed and what it actually does. Dig up some information online about what the man has said concerning the Fed and become educated.
Most Americans have no idea that this corporation, or rather, this group of corporations, banks to be exact, mints our money then charges us interest for the privilege of spending it. It is the world's largest swindle.
A growing number of us are also aware that there have been only two presidents in the history of the United States who have tried to stop this larceny, John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, and we all know what happened to them.
If you really want to know who runs this country you have to accept the golden rule, he who makes the gold makes the rules. The corporations may be complicit in the mismanagement of America, but even they are mere pawns for the Fed to use as they see fit. After all, without the Fed the corporations wouldn't have the money they so obviously need and desire.
In my own defense, I crucify George Bush no more or less than past and present presidents because they all are complicit in the treason that has plagued this country since the Wilson administration, when the corporate shareholders who own the Fed took control of our two political parties. This is also why I rail against the 2 party system and why I have suggested on many occasions that it should be dismantled.
So having stated my radical opinion, what do we do about the our dilemma? At the moment, there isn't much that can be done. The Fed controls our government, our legal system, our %26quot;think%26quot; tanks, academia, the media, the civil servants who flit back and forth between the %26quot;public%26quot; and %26quot;private%26quot; world, and its power even reaches into the governance of our smallest towns. Therefore, I don't think that anything short of a full scale shooting revolution is going to change things, and I give that a 1.000 to 1 chance of ever happening.
The reason I haven't mentioned voting them out of power is because I have little respect, as I've already indicated, for our political system.
The illusion of liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican is just that, an illusion. The two party's apparent modus operandi may seem different, but the results will always be the same, more and more power will gradually (to forestall that rebellion I've just mentioned)end up in the hands of fewer and fewer people, until it won't matter whether ultimate power rests in the hands of big business or big government because they'll both basically be one and the same.
Now I'm not a Christian fanatic and I have my doubts about their version of the last days, Armageddon, but if the anti-Christ should be an actual person, the United States would be a good place to start looking for him.
We live in a dictatorship whether you admit it or not and the only way that you can protect yourself is to recognize that it is and not maintain any illusions about your so-called freedoms.
You can find out how free you are if you refuse to pay your Constitutionally illigitimate federal income taxes. IRS agents will come to your front door with guns drawn, drag you out of your house, and throw you in jail. And don't for one second believe that this scenario is impossible, because it happened to a very good friend of mine who just happened to be an extremely %26quot;violent%26quot; dentist.
I've noticed that you tend to defend W while you're opinion of O is a bit negative. Join the growing numbers of Americans who prefer to take a curse on both your houses approach to politics. Whether you know it or not, independents now rule the political scene and were, for good or bad, responsible for Os election.
The only problem is, most of these %26quot;independents%26quot; are still wedded to the 2 party system and actually think that it benefits them to withhold their vote from the party that they disagree with at the moment. Individuals like myself are trying to educate these people about real world politics and I take whatever opportunity I have to do so.
You may not agree with everything that I've said, but take sufficient time to consider it, mull it over, and when you witness the events of the day, do it from the perspective of the golden rule. If you do as I've asked, I bet that you will start to notice that when smart people (guys with PHDs from MIT and Harvard) do dumb things those dumb things may not be so dumb after all if you consider who consistently benefits from the results.
If you want to call my view of America a conspiracy theory I won't argue with you, but I'd rather say that it just the way things are. And one more thing before I go. That city hall that we're not supposed to be able to fight against? It's actually the Federal Reserve.How can the %26quot;Federal%26quot; Reserve be kept in check, or does it already have too much power?
Actually, the Fed does a pretty good job. If it were more directly controlled by the president, you'd see policies being determined by political convenience rather than what's best for the economy, e.g., interest rates would be cut before elections to boost the economy, even at the risk of inflation.How can the %26quot;Federal%26quot; Reserve be kept in check, or does it already have too much power?
I have no problem the Federal Reserve. They have great motivation to do well.How can the %26quot;Federal%26quot; Reserve be kept in check, or does it already have too much power?
Dissolve or nationalize the banking monopoly known as the Fed. It's one of the most parasitic and corrupt companies in existence, on par with the IMF and World Bank.
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