Yesterday, while I was out working on the mustang, something went wrong with my computer, and when I came back inside, the computer was off. I pressed the power button to turn it back on, but nothing happened.
I turned the computer around and the power supply had a blinking green light. Usually it's a solid green light. I Googled the problem and found out it usually means some kind of hardware failure and it's probably the power supply. I started disconnecting and reconnecting different parts, and the light still blinked, so I figured it was the power supply.
So, today after work I unplugged the power supply from all the different parts and unscrewed it and set it aside. I then noticed that when it wasn't connected to the computer, but only the wall, the light was solid green. So I started plugging the power supply into parts one at a time. It would stay solid until I plugged the 24-pin whatever it's called into the mother board. Then it would start blinking again. That made me think it's the motherboard. Except for the fact that a few months ago, I bought a new case for my computer, and because of the positioning of the power supply, the cable of the 24 pin connector was really stretched, and it may have come loose or broken.
So how do I tell if the problem is from my motherboard, or from the wires in the 24-pin connector?
Tomorrow I'm going to borrow another power supply from the local computer store and see if that works. Until then, anyone have any ideas?
Thanks a bunch.
My computer is essentially a HP Pavilion a1410n, but I've changed the case and the RAM and the hdd, and I've wiped it a few times since I got it, so I no longer consider it an HP.
Heres a link to the original specs: can I tell it%26039;s my Motherboard or my Power Supply that%26039;s broken?
hmm, take a look at the inside of the 24 pin molex plug, make sure that all of the copper connectors are at the same length, cables pushed in to the plastic connector all the way.How can I tell it%26039;s my Motherboard or my Power Supply that%26039;s broken?
it's very difficult to diognose a broken PSU.
it could be your motherboard, or it could be your PSU, it's very hard to tell. i just hope it is the PSU because it's a cheap fix then.
but if it was just the PSU, you shouldnt get a blinkinb light, that sounds quite odd.How can I tell it%26039;s my Motherboard or my Power Supply that%26039;s broken?
You may have the motherboard short circuited to the case. Remove the motherboard from the case and set it up on a piece of cardboard and see if it works.
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