Thursday, June 2, 2011

What do u think of this op-ed/ blog?

I think my computer is passing to the other side

I am, what you can call, a Zen type of person. The kind that doesn’t slap door shut or screams at the guy who just crashed into my car because he though he would look cool driving as if he is in bumper cars. However, recently I have had an overwhelming feeling to get a tennis bat and slap the hell out of my computer.

I have never been an electronics wiz but I can get by, but my computer is setting records in frustrating others. Imagine that; I have to open it in a sequence and if I screw up the sequence it will act like a hormonal teenager. After I manage to open it , usually takes 15 min, I have to start saying my prayer or it will suddenly shut down, yes I mean shut down as if I unplugged the electricity. I have changed the power supply about 4 times and the hard and the mother board …nothing works. Well lets go with the best case scenario, the computer s working fine now, I have to wait for 15 min for my computer to open but I am a patient person, and manually type all the file extensions or else it wont work but I am tolerant person. OPPS the computer froze just before I open what I needed to open. Oh no oh no what did I do wrong now, I have any anti virus, firewall, anti spy ware, and damn it I used the sequence! This is my life for 4 years now. My computer has changed the sexual orientation of some people I meant it. You probably don’t believe me so I will tell you a story; a year and a half ago I hired this guy to fix my computer and left him in the room, a few min later i enter the room and caught him “telling” please work I will kiss you if you work! He just turned to a pansexual (if you don’t know what it is, try google bec it’s not what you think don’t be a creep).

I am a windows kind of person, and this bites! Since , as you all know, they crash a lot. But I have a few reasons for not switching to Mac; 1) very expensive in my country bec very low supply 2) no one here knows anything about it. I am serious; in one of my college laps they used a Mac and I spent the 1st month not knowing how to right click! And now one knew.

Now I have told you about my struggle with my computer and now it is only appropriate to tell you the rest of my struggles. My AC is down. I called the company and they said they can come after 30 (then it will be winter). I wouldn’t have minded them coming after 900 years if I lived in Russia or Antarctica but I freakin leave in Egypt in North Africa. I am melting here!! Long story short called a free lancer who conned me and my Ac still doesn’t work to that day. My lap top and my mobile stopped working but finally I fixed them.

Electronics should have made my life easier, however I think it is safe to say they have compiled me to go to anger management classes and gave me suicidal thoughts. I think I will give up on my computer and try living natural for a while. Naaa who am I kidding, living without facebook , my space, MSN, and publishing blogs! I must be delirious. To conclude, may be it’s my luck with electronics (I am cursed), may be I am stupid, and may be the things just suck. Probably it is a mix of the three.

What do u think of this op-ed/ blog?
okayy number 1...calm down. its alrigth. and number 2..seriously!?!?!?! you have suicidle thoughts because of a computer? thats really bad. have you tryed a quack?(therapist) ahaa. get a new computer all together. everything. just throw the one you have now out. stick to your library computers for awhile then when u have saved enough money, buy a new one. there are ways to take the pictures you have saved on that one and send iit to your new one. all you need is its memory. now please take this to thought, and stop thinking about anger and suicide. best of luck,

kyla cline(:

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